Top 7 Features Your Supply Chain Software Can’t Go Without!

NextGen Invent Corp
7 min readApr 26, 2024


Supply Chain Management App Features

“ Between 2023 and 2025, the North America region is projected to experience the most significant transformation due to the adoption of AI and ML technologies in supply chains. With a notable 45% utilization rate of AI in supply chain operations, the region demonstrates both a steadfast dedication and remarkable proficiency in leveraging these advanced technologies to optimize logistical processes. As of 2020, the global supply chain management market was valued at $15.85 billion, and it is forecasted to nearly double to approximately $31 billion by 2026.”- Statista


In today’s dynamic environment, effective supply chain management is essential for maintaining competitive advantage. It becomes essential to navigate the complexities of global logistics and optimize operations. The solution to this is robust supply chain management software.

Now, the concerning point is, what software is the perfect one and how can it benefit your business? Though you can get software tailored according to your business, certain key factors make supply chain management software the perfect one.

Let’s explore those key features of the software that are a must and other essential details that will help you understand the technology better.

An Overview of Supply Chain Management

A supply chain is a systematic process of producing and delivering a product or service from scratch to final delivery.

Mapping out your supply chain is a pivotal stage in conducting an external analysis within a strategic planning process. Delineating the supply chain holds significance as it aids the company in determining its future trajectory.

Yesterday’s supply chain prioritized the availability, movement, and cost of physical assets. Today the scenario is different. They focus on managing data, services, and products all bundled in a solution. The intervention of AI in the supply chain took perfection a step higher.

The market of Supply chain has grown and is expected to be worth around US $ 35.3 billion by 2023 from US $14.3 Billion as it was in 2022 with a growing CAGR of 9.7% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2032.

Critical Benefits of Supply Chain Management Software

Over time it has proved itself to be an inseparable part of several organizations. Here are some of the reasons why:

  1. Efficiency:

Supply chain software optimizes processes, eliminating manual tasks and reducing delays. It enhances overall productivity within the organization.

2. Accuracy:

With precise tracking and management capabilities, the software ensures that inventory levels are always accurate. This minimizes the risk of stockouts or overstocking, enabling businesses to meet customer demand and avoiding unnecessary carrying costs.

3. Visibility:

Real-time insights into warehouse operations allow businesses to monitor inventory movement, track orders, and identify potential bottlenecks instantly. With warehouse management system software, you can maintain this transparency.

4. Cost savings:

By minimizing errors and reducing unnecessary expenses such as stock losses or storage costs, supply chain management software contributes to significant cost savings. It optimizes resource utilization and helps businesses operate more profitably.

5. Customer satisfaction:

Timely deliveries, accurate order fulfillment, and superior service quality contribute to enhancing customer satisfaction. This software ensures that businesses can meet customer expectations consistently, leading to increased loyalty and positive brand perception.

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Key Features You Should Look for in Supply Chain Management Software

Let’s dive into the niceties of key features that can help you get your perfect match of software:

Supply Chain Management Software
  1. AI & RPA Integration:

RPA integration and AI in the supply chain streamline operations and enhance efficiency. You can leverage AI algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data to make informed decisions and optimize processes. RPA will help automate repetitive tasks, reduce manual errors, and free up resources for more strategic activities.

AI & RPA play key roles in many operational processes such as:

  • Routing Optimization & task automation
  • Real-time Inventory Tracking
  • Risk Management & Fraud Detection
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • AI-Powered Demand Forecasting
Episode 8 | Leveraging AI/ML Solutions for Supply Chain Optimization

2. Advanced Analytics

Advanced analytics within supply chain software offer invaluable insights for optimizing operations. Data-driven approaches can help businesses forecast demand more accurately, improve inventory management, and optimize logistic routes. Advanced analytics also aid you in predictive maintenance, identifying potential issues before they disrupt operations. With real-time data analysis, businesses can make proactive decisions to enhance efficiency in the supply chain. It helps you to balance productivity, on-time delivery, and maintaining quality efficiency.

3. Cloud Computing

It enhances visibility and transparency through real-time access to data and analytics. Cloud-based solutions help businesses to access their supply chain data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection. Cloud-based solutions further facilitate accessibility to supply chain data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection. Real-time data also preps you to make well-informed decisions. With cloud computing, you can manage physical servers and network equipment in a budget-friendly manner.

4. Product Order Management

This is one of the critical features in supply chain software that ensures procurement processes. With robust functionalities of product order management, businesses can optimize inventory levels and enhance supply relationships. Integrated within warehouse inventory management software, it facilitates efficient tracking and management of incoming goods and supply chain efficiency. With built-in features, businesses can ensure adherence to regulatory requirements and keep up with industry standards.

5. Mobile Capabilities

Mobility always enhances accuracy and helps you to be prompt. Mobile capabilities can help you access your supply chain operation on the go. It is also capable of enhancing flexibility and responsiveness with quick decision-making. Businesses can provide enhanced customer service by quickly responding to inquiries. Mobile technology allows remote monitoring of supply chain activities and performance metrics. Mobile solutions enable users to manage tasks and workflows remotely improve productivity and ensure timely completion of critical activities.

6. IoT Integration

IoT devices play a vital role across the supply chain, from manufacturing to retail. They gather data on factors affecting timely delivery and quality. For instance, monitoring crop health in agriculture and tracking products on shelves for better inventory management. IoT enhances connectivity and allows managers to optimize fleets and carry out predictive analytics for better operations. IoT devices enable end-to-end traceability by tracking products throughout the supply chain. These IoT sensors enable organizations to continuously monitor product quality parameters.

7. AR for Warehouse Management

Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing warehouse management within supply chain software. By overlaying digital information in real-world environments, AR enhances productivity and accuracy. It optimizes workflows such as picking, packing, and inventory management, reducing errors. Also, integration with machine learning in supply chain processes enhances predictive analytics and streamlining operations. AR technology can be used for immersive training and onboarding experiences for warehouse staff. It will assist them to learn procedures and protocols in a simulated environment before performing tasks in the actual warehouse.

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Future of Supply Chain Management Apps

The supply chain has revolutionized businesses, but this is not it. The future of the supply chain upholds a lot of promises. Here is what the future of the supply chain looks like:

  1. Microservice in Supply Chain:

Microservices are emerging as the future of supply chain management apps. This architecture, featuring loosely coupled services, offers shorter deployment timelines and reduced risk by allowing companies to implement only the necessary functionalities for their specific needs.

2. Cloud in Supply Chain Management:

Cloud computing is shaping the future of supply chain management apps. Its scalability and accessibility, cloud-based solutions offer seamless collaboration, data sharing, and integration. This enables enhanced overall performance across the entire supply chain ecosystem.

3. Labour Management System in Supply Chain:

Productivity is directly proportional to the work delivered by laborers. Mismanagement in task allocation and miscommunication can cause chaos and reduce productivity. LMS will be the game changer for the scenario. Tracking the availability of staff, assigning them their duties, and keeping up with their performance progress will be a cakewalk. Transparency will help the owner and staff fall to the same conclusion and enhance production.

4. Reinventing Supply Chains with Gen AI

Though the transformation done by AI in the supply chain is loudly visible, we always look up what’s next. We are already capable of analyzing sales history to check and react to what went wrong. But with another member of the AI family perfection can be spiked up. Apart from getting tasks on hand with Gen AI, you can add value to everything. For instance, you can effortlessly manage new product developments, procurement and planning, manufacturing, and logistics, to after-sales and services.

Gen AI is poised to revolutionize supply chain management apps. The advanced analytics and decision-making capabilities help in predicting insights, automation, and optimization. This empowers businesses to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and drive efficiency throughout their supply chain operations.


Supply Chain Software has magnified the spotlight for all good reasons. Just with the amalgamation of the right key features in your supply chain management software, you can unleash perfection in your supply chain operations.

These features together transform your business by managing the workflow effortlessly.

Further Read: Top 7 Things Supply Chain Businesses Are Missing Without Logistics App Development

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